Popcorn - 2lbs
Popcorn - 2lbs
"VERY good. Almost no clunkers when I pop it." - A midwestern dad after tasting this popcorn
A yellow, butterfly shaped popcorn with a perfect blend of crunch and flavor. Tastes great drizzled with butter and salt. But let's be honest, anything tastes better drizzled in butter and salt. Popcorn comes in a two pound bottle.
2 pounds of popcorn makes about 64 - 72 cups which is about 32 servings.
Each container is plastic with a screw top black lid. Container measures 8 1/2" tall, 3 1/2" wide, and 3 1/2" deep.
Pop on Stovetop
Heat 1 Tbsp vegetable oil in a medium pot on medium-high heat. Add ¼ cup popcorn kernels, cover with tight lid. Shake pan frequently until there are 3 seconds between pops.
Pop in Microwave
Place ¼ cup popcorn kernels in a small paper bag. Pop on 100% power until there are 3 seconds between pops.
Free, local delivery occurs on Tuesdays between 9:00 a.m. - Noon. See delivery map.